Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Dem surgical hooks be menacing...

After work today I got my surgical hooks put onto my braces, 5 in total. These are terrifying looking little metal hooks that clip between my brackets to use in case I need to be wired shut (this is the time to start crossing your fingers that that is avoided...). They really don't hurt, except that my lips keep getting caught on them like some horrible torture device/pseudo snaggle tooth. Attractive all round. Next time I get carded because of my awkwardly bracefaced tween-like appearance I'll just growl (I got carded to see a movie in theatres- true story) and they'll leave me be. It should also be noted that now it looks like I have food stuck between my teeth on the regular...I'm an avid flosser, HONEST.

Here's a photo to really take in how intimidating I look...farewell, babysitting career. Rawr.

Post-ortho appointment I went to see War Horse at the Princess of Wales...really well done! You should go see it. These wee little hooks even provided the perfect excuse to get the classic intermission haagen dazs. Mmm.

Anyway, bed time!


ps. one of my sassy sisters informed me that there is a tv show called Pretty Little Liars, and the bad guy signs her emails/letters whatever (presumably lies) with a simple "A". But I have been doing this for years so I'm gonna go ahead and keep it. :)


  1. Great blog Allie.

  2. carolyn Rasiuk4 July 2012 at 12:22

    Great idea to blog about this. You do look fierce. Love you!

  3. Allie, you go girl! sending lots of love and good energy. I will be checking your blog! Hailey and Maria

  4. Wow, Allie!

    What a great way to connect with all those who are thinking of what you're going through next week! Your blog is so informative with enough humour interjected to give us a chance to catch our breath. All who know and love you will be sending you our positive thoughts and energy.

    Love always,

    Grandma Donna & David

  5. The love and energy is always appreciated! Thanks everyone :)
