Sunday, July 08, 2012

The race to eat everything

Now it's crunch time (literally). I have 2 days to try to eat all the best non-pureeable foods. It's surprisingly tough to come up with your favourite foods when the pressure is on, let me tell you. Suggestions and ideas will be met with open arms (and open mouth)!

I've had a great "last weekend of the summer". Friday was my last day of work (shout out to the Wither lab, you guys are the best), so we then went out for lunch/dinner and drinks. The rest of the weekend has been spent actually being social and in the company of civilization. So wonderful.

Today I'm trying paintballing for the first time. I expect I'll probably be doing stuff like this:

They don't call me neo for nothing (perhaps it's my ruggedly goodlooking canadian vibe in combination with atrocious acting abilities?). If my matrix skills fail, I take comfort in the fact that I only have to put up with the pain for another full day and then I'll get some morphine to drown my sorrows.

Hard to believe 48 hours from now I'll already be 4.5 hours into this whole thing. Eek!



  1. Elizabeth Rasiuk8 July 2012 at 23:21


  2. Maria Shakespear Miles9 July 2012 at 09:35

    I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Did you have Putin this weekend? that's what I would try! Steak of course - and lobster! Love you lots.

  3. Robin Hoffman-Cadham9 July 2012 at 13:17

    I've polled my family and we think an apple, a Skor bar, chips, carrots and dip. I know lots of those might not even be braces-friendly-I guess it would be steak for me-but I hate writing that down for vegetarian readers to see:) I bet you won't even crave a lot of that stuff once you're used to smoothies. We'll be thinking of you-sending positive healing thoughts your way. Take care.
    Robin (and Toby, Jonas, and Edi)

  4. p.s. How are your paintball bruises?

  5. Thanks!! Great ideas from both of you!!! Robin- read my latest post for the bruises rundown. I'm hoping no one tomorrow thinks I got beat up or anything!
